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Thal Sena Bhawan

Thal Sena Bhawan: Army Headquaters

The Defence Minister Rajanth Singh recently laid foundation stone to construct Thal sena Bhawan a new Army Headquarters in Delhi Cantontment. The building has been named “Thal Sena Bhawan”

Thal Sena Bhawan is designed as a rising sun and is spread over 39 acres. The new department that integrates army, navy and air force is to be placed under Chief of Defence Staff in the new building. Thal Sena Bhawan building is expected to be completed in 3 to 4 years. Around 1,700 officers and 1,300 sub staffs are to be accommodated in the building. The building has adopted GRIHA-5-rating norms.

Griha is Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. These buildings consume resources from municipal wastes or indirectly from emissions of emissions of electricity generation. It is basically a rating tool. It gives star rating to the buildings based on their performance in using resources for their design, build, running and demolition provisions.

French Army: Hexagon

Inaugurated in 2015, the building is dubbed as the “French Pentagon”. The hexagon shape of the building is also based on the visual symbol of France’s hexagonal-shaped geography, which long ago earned it the nickname the Hexagon (“L’Hexagone”). The hexa shaped building houses more than 9,000 personnel from the French Army, French Navy, and French Air Force. The seven-story control-and-command center is built on 41 acres around a former army air base. The walls of the seven-story command and control center can withstand even a missile strike. The complex includes three day care centers, the largest solar-paneled roof in Paris, a gym, a hair salon, 12 gardens, two cafeterias, an auditorium, and a $32 million pool.

US Army Headquarters: Pentagon

Five-sided building in Virginia, Pentagon, serves as the headquarters of the US armed forces. The Pentagon is the world’s largest office building, with about 6,5 million sq ft of space. It has five sides, five floors above ground, two basements, and five ring corridors per floor. The central five-acre pentagonal plaza is nicknamed “ground zero” on the presumption that it would be a prime target in a nuclear war. Because of its innovative construction, it is possible to walk between any two points within the building in approximately seven minutes.

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